Lifetime Family Wellness

Health Library

The Doctors and staff at Lakeland have carefully selected and organized this easily downloadable information for the benefit of your health and well-being.

Dr. Dulmes and Dr. Bemis are happy to work with you during your next visit to discuss, answer your questions, and advise regarding your health & maximizing your potential.
A library of health topics concerning Chiropractic care. Alphabetically listed in their menu.

Chiropractic Improves Addiction Treatment

A special supplement to the November 2000 issue of the Journal of Psychoactive Drugs mentions work which illustrates that chiropractic care improved many aspects of patient care in people seeking treatment for Reward Deficiency Syndrome (RDS) behaviors.

RDS behaviors include addictive compulsive behaviors such as food, sex, gambling, alcohol or drugs. The article points out that science has shown many substances which naturally occur in the brain and spinal cord play roles in not only emotion, but pain relief as well, leading to a better sense of well-being.

Two of the authors of the special supplement refer to a study they undertook to see how chiropractic care, by removing subluxation interference to the nervous system, could affect the outcome of patients under treatment at the Exodus Treatment Center in Miami, Florida.

The randomized, double blind study monitored psychological states, drug withdrawal and patient retention rates. Three groups of patients were involved: a standard residential treatment group, a standard residential treatment group who received chiropractic adjustments, and a standard residential treatment group who received placebo (fake) chiropractic adjustments

According to the article, ” The results analyzed reveal that chiropractic adjustments are producing a significantly improved retention rate within a 30 day residential model compared to both the placebo and the standard groups, with a statistically significant improvement in anxiety and depression scores…” They also reported that there was a significant reduction in visits to the nursing station by the patients under chiropractic care.

The authors went on to say that even though the study needs to be replicated by an independent party, the results were “intriguing.” We agree.

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Oostburg, WI 53070
(920) 564-6061

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