Ear infection (otitis media-OM) is the leading reason for visitation to the pediatrician’s office. This is probably true for frustrated parents who bring their children to chiropractic offices for the first time as well. The leading age group for ear infection is children under the age of two. The usual medical treatment for OM is a 10-day regimen of the antibiotic amoxicillin. It is not unusual to take a history on a child and discover that they have been on and off antibiotics for half of their lives. In fact, a frightening trend is increases in children who have been recommended to maintain a low dose of antibiotics for months after no signs of otitis media exist. It shouldn’t be surprising that we face an epidemic of bacterial resistance.
Thirty-three studies reviewed at George Washington University and University of Minnesota showed that drugs only show an advantage over the body’s own immune system in 14% of cases. This means that only 1 in 7 children will benefit from medical treatment regimens.
The use of drugs and other ‘treatments’ generally addresses effects (like various symptoms); they do not address cause. Why is it that one child will have an ear infection every other month while his twin brother is perfectly healthy? Is it a lack of antibiotics in his system? Certainly not.
Chiropractic Considerations
The nerves that come out of the upper neck (the cervical plexus C1-4) control the function of the eustachian tubes. This is the tube that links the throat (pharynx) to the inner ear. It is responsible for proper drainage of the ear. If the small bones of the child’s upper neck are misaligned (subluxated), it can cause irritation and decrease the communication between the brain and the end organ—in this case, the tissue cells of the inner ear and eustachian tube.
In fact, many infants suffer a traumatic birthing process, leaving them subluxated from Day One. A chiropractic evaluation determines whether or not these bones are in alignment. Best of all, the process is extremely gentle, conservative, and safe for your child. Also, in the majority of cases, it is extremely effective. Isn’t it time you discovered one of the best-kept secrets in restoring and maintaining your family’s health?
220 South Business Park
Drive, Unit A7
Oostburg, WI 53070
(920) 564-6061
Sat - Sun
8-11:15, 3-6
9-11, 1-4
8-12, 3-6
9-11, 1-4
8-11, 3-6
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