Innate Intelligence is the most important teaching point in the Wellness Paradigm. If you truly understand wellness, then you must have a basic understanding of Innate Intelligence. Innate Intelligence refers to the immaterial vital force that maintains the existence of the body and gives it all of its properties. It is the LIFE within that animates your living body!
Innate Intelligence is a chiropractic term; however, there are many synonyms: Life, Life Force, Mother Nature, Mental Impulse Supply, Vital Force, God Within, Electrochemical Impulse… It is the Principle that is most important to grasp, not the name we attach to it, so choose one that aligns with your own belief system.
Innate’s Role in Your Life:
Mentally: It is the storehouse of memory and experience.
Spiritually: Represents the connection between Man the Physical and Man the Spiritual.
“The purpose of the chiropractic adjustment is to reconnect Man the Physical with Man the Spiritual.”
—D.D. Palmer, The Founder of Chiropractic
220 South Business Park
Drive, Unit A7
Oostburg, WI 53070
(920) 564-6061
Sat - Sun
8-11:15, 3-6
9-11, 1-4
8-12, 3-6
9-11, 1-4
8-11, 3-6
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