The following is a December 24, 2006 headline from an article that appeared in an unlikely source, Medical News Today. The article contains recommendations from a release by the American Chiropractic Association (ACA).
The Medical News Today article begins with great words to enter 2007: “Start the new year off right by committing to a healthier lifestyle.”
This ACA release urges Americans to adopt the following 10 healthy New Year’s resolutions:
- I will limit my intake of caffeinated coffee, sodas, and teas.
The caffeine in these drinks can cause dehydration and rob the body of essential nutrients. Stick to water, natural juices, and other decaffeinated beverages.
- I will avoid over-medicating myself and my family.
Many over-the-counter and prescription medications have unknown side effects. Discuss alternative remedies with a doctor of chiropractic.
- I will not carry a heavy purse or briefcase with its strap over my shoulder.
Unless I place the strap over my head on the side opposite the bag. Wearing a shoulder strap over one shoulder unevenly places the weight of the bag on one side of the body, potentially causing shoulder and back pain.
- I will not allow my children to carry backpacks that weigh more than 10 percent of their body weight.
Beyond that weight, the backpack can cause the wearer to bend forward in an attempt to support the weight on his or her back, instead of the shoulders.
- I will not lift heavy objects over my head.
These types of movements can strain muscles and affect nerves, causing severe neck, shoulder, and arm problems.
- I will not turn my torso while lifting relatively heavy objects.
This rotates the spine and can bring on a “back attack.”
- I will avoid the habit of consistently crossing the same knee over the other.
Such a habit can eventually cause misalignment of the spine.
- I will try to keep moving while I’m at work.
If sedentary for the majority of the workday, it is very important to take periodic stretch breaks. Get up from the desk and take a brief walk, and stretch arms and legs as frequently as possible to avoid postural and spinal stress.
- I will, when using a shovel – in winter or summer – remember to push rather than lift, whenever possible.
- I will use luggage with wheels whenever possible.
Carrying, lifting, and moving a heavy suitcase can ruin a vacation.