Lifetime Family Wellness

Health Library

The Doctors and staff at Lakeland have carefully selected and organized this easily downloadable information for the benefit of your health and well-being.

Dr. Dulmes and Dr. Bemis are happy to work with you during your next visit to discuss, answer your questions, and advise regarding your health & maximizing your potential.
A library of health topics concerning Chiropractic care. Alphabetically listed in their menu.

Light Cigarettes…more Dangerous than Thought

For those who thought smoking light cigarettes was somehow safer, comes a report in the Jan. 19, 2000 Journal of the National Cancer Institute. In this report, researchers state that their findings indicate about 80 percent of smokers in the United States who regularly smoke “light” cigarettes are getting twice the exposure of carcinogens than previous estimates.

The researchers said the findings suggest that smokers may feel a false sense of security believing the low-tar and low-nicotine are somehow less dangerous to their health. In a similar article reported by “OnHealth”, the Canadian government will require cigarette packages to include graphic images of diseases caused by smoking. Health Minister Allan Rock says the pictures will depict images, such as blackened lungs and a cancerous mouth, that will cover half of the front panel of all cigarette packs produced in Canada or imported. These pictures should be a “hardhitting message” to folks about the dangers of smoking.

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Whether you’re here for pain relief or simply want to improve your wellness, we can help you toward that goal. Connect with us to learn how chiropractic care can make a difference in your daily life.
Our Office

220 South Business Park
Drive, Unit A7
Oostburg, WI 53070
(920) 564-6061

Our Hours

Sat - Sun

8-11:15, 3-6
9-11, 1-4
8-12, 3-6
9-11, 1-4
8-11, 3-6

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