Lifetime Family Wellness

Health Library

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Natural estrogen better for heart protection than synthetic hormone

The February 15, 2002 issue of the American Journal of Epidemiology reports that a woman’s natural supply of estrogen provides more protection from heart disease than Hormone Replacement Therapy (HRT) using synthetic estrogen.

Researchers at the University Medical Center, Utrecht, the Netherlands, found that women who begin menopause later in life stand less chance of dying from heart disease. They theorize that it’s because she is exposed to her own natural estrogen for a longer period of time.

Last July, the American Heart Association issued an advisory saying that there wasn’t enough evidence to warrant the use of HRT for the prevention of heart disease.

Commentary: It’s possible that medicine is looking in the wrong direction in the first place. First off, early menopause may be normal for that particular woman experiencing it. Secondly, if early-menopausal women are more likely to develop heart disease, it may be from other factors besides reduced estrogen.

Interference in the form of vertebral subluxation, dietary deficiencies, or environmental, chemical, or emotional stresses could be causing the body to prematurely shut down estrogen production. Removing these different types of interference makes much more sense to us. Simply replacing natural estrogen with synthetic estrogen does not address the underlying cause of why production is decreasing and certainly doesn’t even approach the question of whether or not it’s even necessary.

When working without interference, our bodies know what they need to do and when to do it.

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220 South Business Park
Drive, Unit A7
Oostburg, WI 53070
(920) 564-6061

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8-11:15, 3-6
9-11, 1-4
8-12, 3-6
9-11, 1-4
8-11, 3-6

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